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  TOMYA多美安品牌,隸屬于一安企業(yè)集團(tuán)(科技型企業(yè);火炬中心入庫編號:202141012200002688)依托俞夢孫院士人民健康系統(tǒng)工程工作委員會、航空醫(yī)學(xué)工程中心、醫(yī)學(xué)裝備學(xué)會、建材院、鄭州大學(xué)院、鄭州工程技術(shù)學(xué)院等機(jī)構(gòu)、院校合作。關(guān)注并探索空間內(nèi)(室內(nèi)、車內(nèi))“空氣”“飲水”“照明”健康產(chǎn)品開發(fā)及技術(shù); 打造并實現(xiàn)從空間健康到家居用品的全體系康養(yǎng)整裝服務(wù),聚焦解決生態(tài)化人居空間。


       TOMYA brand, belongs to the Yi'an Enterprise Group (national science and technology enterprises; Torch Center entry number: 202141012200002688) relying on Yu Monsun academician people's health system engineering working committee, aviation medical engineering research centre, China Medical Equipment Association, China Building Materials Research Institute, Institute of Drug Discovery & Development, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou University of Technology and other scientific research institutions The company has established academicians and doctoral workstations in cooperation with universities and colleges.

       After thirteen years of development, the company has developed more than 300 kinds of healthy eco-friendly homes and 200 kinds of antibacterial civil products, providing services for more than 1,000 homes and commercial spaces. The company has four independent production and R&D bases, P2 biological laboratory, polymer chemical laboratory, 10,000-grade purification workshop, chemical products automatic preparation workshop and other scientific research and production strength.